"Yes, boys this is a deep fried Oreo. Isn't the Seafood Festival great?"
I've had a few people ask me where I've been. Why no blog? To make a long story short; I have my house FOR SALE. Check out the Virtual Tour: http://tours.virtualaccesstours.com/public/vtour/display/5281?_a=0&_b=0&_l=1
If you're are trying to sell a house in this disasterous economy, you have to pull out all the stops, and go with the Pros. So even though I had a flight to the Bahamas with a scheduled 6 day stay, I elected to leave the airplane in Nassau and fly home on a commercial flight, spend 2 days at home; de-cluttering, de-personalizing, and turning my house into a place I'm no longer comfortable in, and then turn around and fly commercial back to Nassau to get my passengers and return them to their homes-Miami, Chicago, and Trenton.
This week long experience renewed my faith in Corporate flying. No one, who can avoid it, should be subjected to the abuse and incompetence of Commercial Airline travel.
There are many little things that bother me about current airport security, and the poor service of today's Air Carriers , but I wasn't prepared for my experience at Continental.
I attempted to check in online the day before departure and was unsuccesssful. I thought it was because I was leaving the US and they needed to check passports. That might have been a part of it, but when I got to the airport and attempted to check in with an agent, I was again unsuccessful.
I was going one-way out of the US and had no commercial flight in the computer for a return flight. NO CAN DO.
(Me) "But I'm flying a corporate airplane back to the US."
(Continental agent)"The computer doesn't accept that."
(Me) You're not a computer, please, give me a boarding pass."
(them) "You'll have to talk to a supervisor".
10 min later.
(supervisor) " Go to that computer and check in"
( me) "I already tried that"
( supervisor) " Do you want me to help or not".
I did the same exercise of computer check in and it didn't work.
(supervisor)" Are you on the watch list or are you tagged for some reason?
(me) "I'm a retired military officer with 38 years of service and I'm not on any 'watch list' unless they started one for patriots."
(supervisor) " No reason to get belligerent, I'm just trying to help. Let me get my supervisor out here."
10 min. later.
(super supervisor) "Let's go to the computer and see what happens" ...
10 min later it was determined that I was leaving the country without a scheduled return. A couple of key strokes and overrides later, I got my boarding pass, and a renewed disgust with Homeland Security.
Returned from Nassau on the 8th of June to return to 'house for sale' prep.
Realtor 'Open Houses' on the 10th and 11th and a public 'open house' on the 14th.
More importantly, I was home for the annual Belmar Seafood Festival.
I took this picture at 6am on Saturday morning. It turned out to be a beautiful day.
The Seafood Festival takes place at Silver LakePark
across from the 5th Ave Pavillion, Belmar
In addition to deep fried Oreos, there are many seafood choices from about a dozen vendors.
Can you see a difference a couple of hours make?
How to make a good day great?
Closed out the weekend and the Seafood Festival with a litttle quiet time at the Columns Happy Hour in Avon-BY-The-Sea
Departed Trenton on Monday the 15th for a three day trip to Vegas and another stay at The M. An unusual couple of days for Vegas-some overcast and a couple of showers during the day.Went with my co-pilot to see "The Hangover". Ok, it was funny.
The one pictured here, about 50 miles wide went up to about 55,000 feet. It was over St Joe, MO. I can only imagine how bad it was on the ground.
This shows my planned route(in green) and the deviation I was making.
Pictures were taken of the PFD(pilots flight display and MFD(multi function dispaly) The first is the actual radar return the second is the 5 min old Xm Radio sattellite image.
Celebrated the arrival home with a Jameson on the rocks.
Celebrated the arrival home with a Jameson on the rocks.
I'm off to Savannah on Saturday. Talk to you then.
Wow, I'm guessing you should never fly through purple. Glad you made it home safely, but not surprised given your expertise. I enjoyed the pics and the story about the boarding pass.
Love you!
I, too, love the boarding pass story. Hey, once a rebel, always a rebel! Don't let 'em push you around. Reminds me of the story about not wanting to donate to the United Way!
Where have I been? I didn't know you posted this almost two weeks ago! And I never heard that Continental story. Homeland Security is ridiculous - they are the umbrella for CIS (Citizenship and Immigration Services), and with two international adoptions, I've paid them a lot of money and usually gotten nothing but a run around and a need to call them about their mistakes.
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