I like to do something new every trip. Since I'm in Vegas so often it's sometimes difficult. However, a new hotel/casino opened in April and I booked it for our one night Vegas stay. I hate casino hotels because they are so business-traveler unfriendly. But, with only one night to sacrifice, I decided to give the newest hotel, The M (http://www.themresort.com/ )a try. It was surprisingly nice. Brand new with great windows looking at the Strip, a nice pool and a great Italian restaurant and bakery, complimentary bottled water in the room and morning papers. This is the view from my 8th floor room. Day, Pool, Night.
On the arrival into the Vegas area It is common to fly over Lake Meade and the Hoover Dam. I was able to take this photo that shows the Dam and the new Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge construction http://bridgepros.com/projects/Hoover_Dam_Bypass_Bridge/index.html
After passing the Dam, you pass south of the town of Boulder City, NV and you turn final for Henderson Executive Airport. I mentioned in a previous blog Henderson is an 8 mile drive south of the Vegas Strip. Jet fuel is about 3 dollars a gallon cheaper than at the Vegas airport. With a typical fuel purchase of 1000 gallons, it's well worth the 8 mile drive. 
Departing Henderson with a flight to Idaho you get the opportunity to see the benefit of water in the desert. All the green circle are irrigated dessert with water taken from the Colorado River.
Parked in Sun Valley Idaho. Another treat on this trip was the catering from Christina's Restaurant and Bakery of Sun Valley.
If you get to Sun Valley, don't miss the opportunity to try it.
After Departing Idaho, a flight over the Continental Divide: The Centennial Mountains which border Idaho and Wyoming.
Nice pics. Sounds like it was a good trip with a sufficient number of bakery stops!
Your trips always look and sound interesting and lovely!
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