Friday, March 20, 2009


Things only stay constant in this flying business when your cell phone is off or you can't hear it ringing.
Not hearing it ring, was the case at "Senor Frog" during dinner last night. Senor Frog is a local booze/cruise/hang out. Advertised as a Mexican restaurant
It's where the cruise ship crowds hang prior to reboarding their ships at the end of a port day.
Needless to say it was jammed with a young crowd off a Carnival ship. We saw a young guy wearing a "fly Army" shirt and started a conversation. He a West Pointer Army pilot. He and his girlfriend along with an Annapolis upper classman and his fiancee were drinking away their port time. We happened to mention we were army pilots and the drinks started. He bought a round of Vodka. I bought a round of beers, he bought a round of Jaegermeister. They were at least a dozen rounds ahead of us when we met them and we had no intention of getting to their level. So they sat with us while we ate and they drank. The West Pointer was leaving in 20 days for Afghanistan and was going to need that long to sober up. Being a retired Colonel - Aviator in the company of an ex-Ranger Aviator we were elevated to Idol status. Thank God, they had to board their boat by 9PM.
Too get to the point, while we were at dinner, our flights to Florida scheduled for today, were cancelled. So, one more day on the beach and we leave for home tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun story! Although you seem to bump into people and have conversations like that everywhere you go. Looking forward to having you in NJ for a couple of days.