This the world famous straw market on Bay Street. It's about a block from the hotel. It used to be housed in a large wooden structure. But apparently someone got angry and burned it down. It is now a giant tent city. Every tour boat(and there are 4-6 a day) drop their passengers about 1000 each) nearby to shop for the day. The straw market is in the downtown shopping area. The city is in the process of building a new stone structure to house the market. I bought a hat yesterday since I only brought one with me and it's taking a toll with the sun and the runs and whatever. It went like this:

Me: How much for this hat?
Vendor: Normally $15, but for you handsome man only $12.
Me: I'll give you five
Vendor: You could have said $1 dollar, I need $10.
Me: I'll give you $6
Vendor: $ you can steal it for $8.
Me:$7 or I'll go to the next vendor.
Vendor:OK $7-and I won't buy groceries today.
Me: Deal
More later.
You look good with dreds, mon. Nice pics! Sounds like you are having a relaxing week. Is this why you always have so much energy when you are home?
Hope mom made it safe and sound.
Reality calls in the name of Finn....
Have a good trip- TS
I love you-PS
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